Mid-Sermon Cuppas, Quiet Acts of Kindness, and a Tango Connection: A Tale That Tugs at the Heart of Sheffield Wednesday Fans.

Mid-Sermon Cuppas, Quiet Acts of Kindness, and a Tango Connection: A Tale That Tugs at the Heart of Sheffield Wednesday Fans.

“Mid-Sermon Cuppas, Quiet Acts of Kindness, and a Tango Connection: A Tale That Tugs at the Heart of Sheffield Wednesday Fans.

Late on in a service, the vicar would look up from his sermon to see a flash of blonde hair – and one of his congregation making her way out of the church with hushed apologies.

The late-20s girl was a regular attendee at St Michael’s & All Angels Church in Penkridge and the vicar had grown used to the sight. Mid-sermon, there she’d go, awkwardly whispering “Sorry, can I just..?” while occasionally fumbling over a prayer cushion or handbag. The vicar had tried not to take it as a personal reflection of his story-telling. For a long time, nobody knew where she was going.

That was until somebody spotted her pottering her way into the churchyard following one trademark exit. Lauren Walker would make her way over the uneven paving stones with two cups of tea.

Somewhere along the way, she’d befriended two elderly ladies who would meet each week to spend time at the gravestones of their husbands. She’d help them tidy things up, pulling up weeds, handing over warm drinks on cold mornings and engaging in supportive conversation.

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