Narcis Pelach discusses pressure, priorities, and his biggest difficulty at Stoke City.

Narcis Pelach discusses pressure, priorities, and his biggest difficulty at Stoke City.
Narcis Pelach discusses pressure, priorities, and his biggest difficulty at Stoke City.

Narcis Pelach discusses pressure, priorities, and his biggest difficulty at Stoke City.

Although Narcis Pelach is thrilled to be the new head coach of Stoke City,

He is aware that the position carries a lot of responsibilities.


Narcis Pelach has had a hectic week, having left Norwich to accept his first head coaching position

in England and attempting to establish himself as the guy who can restore stability

and success to Stoke City. He had a conversation about his goals, expectations,

and what he had taken on with the local media.


Which will be the most difficult task?

Narcis Pelach: Maintaining performance will be the most difficult task because the Championship

only happens once every several days. Two different ways to approach this scenario are to

live it as a number two and as a number one. I’m concentrating hard on this.

My mind is working to arrange things so they don’t rely solely on me.

Staff members have duties to ensure that each person completes their work each day.

If I’m not in the building, the coaches, fitness coaches, and analysts can complete the task.

I’m attempting to make something that will benefit usall.


I speak on behalf of the individual who organized this, of course, but this kind of stuff is for all of us.

The club and Jonny Walters want to move in that direction—a collaborative one where we feel like

We’re a part of the process. I am in agreement with you. Let’s attempt to finishthis.


How hard is it to get started right away?

It has been difficult to set everything in place over the past two days, but to be honest,

it is just the play style we support, so nothing will change. It’s a straightforward issue

that I’ve been thinking a lot about and believe in. Naturally, we haven’t had a preseason.

but that’s just an excuse, so I don’t want to talk about it. I can’t change the fact that there is a game

(on Friday night), and we have to compete and figure out a way to do it.

Even while I am thrilled to be here, I can’t help but wish we had a pre-season.

I am here, which is very good. I’m grateful for the opportunity so let’s find a way to compete.

which I think we can. Let’s see what happens and from there we will build.


You’ve discussed the significance of play style; what is that style?

The look must be adaptable. I believe that anything that is competitive in every way

best describes who I am. Since you are just teaching one of them, I don’t want to see

something that is absolutely poor in one phase and fantastic in another.

I would rather be a part of a competitive squad than anything like that.

We had previously discussed West Bromwich, which is something I would really like to do.

As a result, we have strong defensive transition skills as well as strong offensive and defensive capabilities.


maybe not excellent in any part but we go to games and we make sure we stay in them.

we find a way to get points; we find a way to win. It’s not just about playing nice aesthetic football.

which I know in my country happens a lot. Of course I think we will see that influence

over time but I am more focused on making the team compete, making the team be in games,

getting points, getting points, getting points.


It’s not just style of play; it’s how we come into the training ground every day.

I want to see commitment; I want to see togetherness; I want to see fight; I want to see personality.

We need to have the right characters for this to create a strong dressing room. I believe in human beings,

I believe in energy; I believe in being hungry. It’s not just the football stuff,

The human stuff is very important. We had a first chat about that today

and I think they are conscious about this.


Jon did a very, very good job in the transfer window, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t affect it because I was not here but all the decisions they made,

In my opinion, seeing it from the outside, I rate because it makes us go in one clear direction.

We are going to create something that is bigger than one individual and that is very important.


What constitutes a successful day in your eyes?

Every morning, I enjoy heading to the training field since I am aware of the schedule

and the amount of work that has to be done. We also have to get the players ready

so they can understand what we will be teaching and why before training even begins.

Following the meeting, we practice and gain experience by going to the training pitch.

My theory is that in order to increase your chances of winning,

you should observe, act, and then reflect.


Of course, no one can guarantee victory in football—those who claim otherwise are just lies.

but there are ways to improve your chances of success.

such as working hard and providing excellent coaching. Of course it takes hours.

but we are compensated for this since it is our responsibility. This is what we do.

To raise this likelihood, we must exert all of our effort.


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