Chris Sutton shares what he thought of Lawrence Shankland winding up Celtic midfielder Arne Engels

Chris Sutton shares what he thought of Lawrence Shankland winding up Celtic midfielder Arne Engels
Chris Sutton shares what he thought of Lawrence Shankland winding up Celtic midfielder Arne Engels

Chris Sutton shares what he thought of Lawrence Shankland winding up Celtic midfielder Arne Engels

The Celtic headlines from the previous weekend mostly featured Hearts striker

Lawrence Shankland wrapping up Arne Engels before the Belgian scored from his penalty at Parkhead.


The Scotland international was heard yelling “big pressure.”

at Engels in a video that Celtic’s Unique Angle managed to get as he prepared

to slide in from 12-yards against Hearts.


In fact, Engels ignored the captain of Hearts and maintained his composure to send

goalie Craig Gordon the wrong way, sending Celtic on their way to win all three points.

While many fans made fun of Shankland for his attempt at trolling,

Chris Sutton expressed his true feelings about the Hearts captain’s behavior.


Sutton ‘quite liked’ Shankland windup

The fact that Sutton, a former Celtic legend, didn’t mind what Shankland

did shouldn’t come as a surprise because he was known for shutting down opponents in his day.

“My moment of the weekend, Celtic won at the weekend,

and Arne Engels scored the first goal from the penalty spot,” Sutton said to the It’s All Kicking Off podcast.


“I adore this level of petty rivalry in football. Lawrence Shankland of Hearts,

who recently signed a £10 million contract with Celtic, is preparing to take a penalty.

Shankland is yelling at Engels, saying things like, “£10 million, £10 million, big pressure, aye right.”

and so on, but Engels simply walks up and smacks Craig Gordon in the incorrect direction.


Thus, good job to him. I wonder if his primary understanding was Scottish.

However Engels seemed unfazed by Laurence Shankland’s actions.

which I found to be really appealing. He didn’t even blink.


Engels calmness under pressure

It should be noted, however, that Craig Halkett seems to have shouted the comment regarding Engels’ price tag,

not Shankland alone.

Hear me out: Am I dissatisfied with what Shankland or his associates did? No.

Everything is an element of the game. But I did like how Engels calmly tucked away the spot kick.

letting his feet speak for him rather than his words.


The 21-year-old Belgian displayed remarkable poise in a high-stress situation.

and his effortless conversion of the penalty could indicate that Rodgers has at last found a reliable

player to convert the opportunities that Celtic missed several times during the previous campaign.


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