Lana Wolf has said that Rangers supporters do not have erection difficulties. She also mentioned two essential points…

Lana Wolf has said that Rangers supporters do not have erection difficulties. She also mentioned two essential points…

“There are no erection issues among Rangers fans,” Lana Wolf said.

The adult Scottish actress even went so far as to refer to our reporter,

who is passionate about Newcastle, as a Celtic supporter in her disapproval of Daily Star Sport’s piece from last week.

According to a study by the internet pharmacy MedExpress, 45% of inebriated football fans believe that their drinking has an effect on their romantic life.

When asked, Rangers fans—especially those who down Carling or Heineken—were found to be the most affected by heavy drinking in the bedroom.

Of those surveyed, 38% admitted that their performance in the sack suffered as a result of their excessive drinking.

Lana, however, recorded a video “debunking” the facts, thus the figures were not convincing to her.

To start with, Rangers supporters do not even sip Carling or Heineken. Everyone knows that we exclusively drink Buckfast, Mad Dog, Tenants, and Venoms,” yelled an enraged Lana.

“An online pharmacy is called MedExpress.

What gives? Men are visiting your online pharmacy to purchase the tiny blue tablet,

and one of the survey questions asks which football team they favor. Bullshit, I smell it.”

In addition, the flirtatious siren questioned the notion that 69% of Rangers supporters frequently consume alcohol while watching games, as ’69’ seemed to be a number she is acquainted with.

“Of all the numbers, come on now!”

She added: “I have personally bonked hundreds of Rangers supporters and I have never faced any issues.

Thus, I can attest from own experience that this is garbage.”

It is important for Daily Star Sport to emphasize that drinking alcohol in excess is more important than any specific beer since it will not prevent inebriated British people from acting out in public.

When their team loses, some supporters have admitted to downing more than ten pints, which is not exactly good for business.

“Many factors can affect a man’s ability to have sex,” according to MedExpress physician Ashwin Sharma.

“First, drinking affects our central nervous system, which can cause erectile dysfunction by delaying messages from the brain to the penis.

Moreover, the diuretic impact of alcohol increases urine production,

which dehydrates the body and reduces blood flow—including to the penis.

Angiotensin, a hormone linked to erectile dysfunction, may also rise as a result of this dehydration.”

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