Celtics Show Their Steel With Hilarious Ibrox Dig.

Celtics Show Their Steel With Hilarious Ibrox Dig.
Celtics Show Their Steel With Hilarious Ibrox Dig.

Celtics Show Their Steel With Hilarious Ibrox Dig.

Celtics Show Their Steel With Hilarious Ibrox Dig.

Celtic fans believe their club’s social media crew has taken a cheeky jab at archrivals Rangers, and it’s difficult not to see their point.

Just one day after Rangers revealed delays to their Ibrox reconstruction, Celtic released a video demonstrating the rapid progress of their new East End Training Centre. The Rangers’ hold-up is due to a delayed shipment of steel required for a new cantilever portion as part of an upgrading for disabled facilities. This delay, which will push their schedule back until late July, has already cost one staffer his job and may force the team to find a new location for their early-season matches.

Celtics Show Their Steel With Hilarious Ibrox Dig.
Celtics Show Their Steel With Hilarious Ibrox Dig.


Celtic, ever the opportunists, issued an update on Friday, stating that their project is “progressing at pace” and “forging ahead.”

Fans couldn’t help but notice the pointed choice of words and timing, suggesting it was more than just a progress report. The use of “forging,” in particular, seemed a sly nod to Rangers’ steel-related woes. This petty jab has gone down well with the Celtic support who always like to see wee jabs taken at our rivals when they’re down. A month ago Celtic won the league title and beat them in the Scottish cup final, they’re not having the best time of it.

Celtic’s video features impressive footage of the East End Training Centre, showcasing state-of-the-art facilities and rapid development. The juxtaposition between Celtic’s smooth progress and Rangers’ stumbling blocks is amusing.

Social media has been buzzing with comments from Celtic supporters, gleefully pointing out the timing and language of the post. As always, the rivalry between Celtic and Rangers extends beyond the pitch, permeating every aspect of the clubs’ operations. From transfers and performances to, evidently, even construction projects, the competition remains fierce. It’s the height of pettiness and we absolutely love it!

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