IBROX LATEST: Rangers finally speaks on Connor Goldson’s summer departure

Rangers finally speaks on Connor Goldson's summer departure
Rangers finally speaks on Connor Goldson's summer departure

IBROX LATEST: Rangers finally speaks on Connor Goldson’s summer departure

IBROX LATEST: Rangers finally speaks on Connor Goldson’s summer departure

We have to say there is a LOT of buzz now around both James Tavernier and Connor Goldson, and their positions at Rangers.

Tavernier’s absence from the away jersey promotional material was absolutely massive –

some have dismissed that as ‘he’s on holiday’ but as far as we know, he isn’t.

And even if he is, curious that the ‘vacation’ coincided with a long-booked Castore shirt promotion…


The main point is that there’s a lot of talk surrounding his situation right now—more than in the past

and Rangers manager Philippe Clement’s remarks regarding a new cycle do appear to hint at a change in leadership.


It is just unhealthy to have one player—and not a very good one—as the starting quarterback for nearly a decade,

and to have sacrificed young Nathan Patterson, a potential star, in order to keep Tavernier in the starting lineup.


Although it brought us financial gain, we could have benefited from Patterson’s more defensive discipline,

and it is a great loss that his Premier League career with Everton has been marred by injury.


However, Tavernier? As captain, Tav never worked; he won F-all, and sorry, but as captains go,

he’s probably been the least successful since Derek Johnstone and John McClelland, and that was ages ago.

His time as captain is up, and most fans are happy to see him move on, especially at a good price. We just need a new face.


Connor Goldson is a lot less divisive than Tav – almost no one seems to rate the ex-Brighton stopper (any more),

who really has been a pile of rot for Rangers, with two exceptions:


He was top in the Europa League for clearances and interceptions during the run to Sevilla,

only to eff that one up in the final, plus he also did have a strong 55, when he had no crowds to pressure him.


Aside that, he’s been a mediocre defender and we can’t say he was value for £3M given what he ended up costing us on the pitch.


He’s also been abysmally out of form (if he was ever in much of it) the past 12 months and

his ‘dropping’ was 12 months too late before the mysterious injury.


In short, Rangers desperately need a refresh – they need to move on from these two,

because these two have epitomised the most success-starved period in Rangers’ history.


Just one title since 2011 is an absolutely historically-unprecedented disgrace, and while that’s not all their fault,

they’ve come to symbolise a rotten Rangers that just can’t win anything.


3 trophies under Tavernier as captain and Goldson as vice in 6 years is literally shambolic.

If we go from 2018- onwards, 18 trophy chances (6 including Europe), and we only won 3 of them.

Abysmal. Diabolical.


For any major top club in any league that is expected to win things, that is so below acceptable it’s not funny.

It isn’t crucially all Tav and Goldson’s fault, but their being there consistently through this whole barren wasteland of silverware isn’t completely a coincidence.


They need to move on, and hopefully this summer is the one that sees that.

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