Everton in fresh talks with Saudi Arabia amid U.S takeover options

Everton in fresh talks with Saudi Arabia amid U.S takeover options
Everton in fresh talks with Saudi Arabia amid U.S takeover options

Everton in fresh talks with Saudi Arabia amid U.S takeover options

Farhad Moshiri is set to open talks with new interested parties

The club’s deal with the Miami-based company comes to an end early on Saturday morning following a

protracted back and forth with the Premier League.

Concerns over 777’s finance have surfaced since the beginning of April, and it appears that the much-maligned

investment group’s demise is drawing near.

New bidders are reportedly starting to surface, and the Everton owner is open to hearing from them, according

to Mark Douglas of i News.

Everton in fresh talks with Saudi Arabia amid U.S takeover options
Everton in fresh talks with Saudi Arabia amid U.S takeover options

Farhad Moshiri will open talks with new bidders for his majority stake in Everton when a sales purchase

agreement with 777 Partners expires in the early hours of Saturday morning,” he said on Friday afternoon, May 31.

Douglas disclosed that John Textor and an unidentified US group are also interested.

He wrote: “I understands that, if, as all parties now anticipate, 777’s long-running bid for Everton collapses,

there is interest from a US group along with current Crystal Palace minority shareholder John Textor – who

broke ranks to talk publicly about his negotiations last week.”

The most anticipated news for Evertonians

The news that Evertonians could have only dreamed of is this.

777 is obviously unfit to function as a major English club, let alone run itself.

They had mounting debt and no way to pay it off, so their takeover attempt seemed doomed from the outset.

This summer, Everton supporters will be hoping that their financial problems will be resolved and they can

start over. Unfortunately, it won’t happen unless there’s a clean sheet of approval in the boardroom, and it’s

unclear who would grant that.

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