Official: Rangers part ways with Philippe Clement.

Official: Rangers part ways with Philippe Clement.

Do not misunderstand: The Rangers are still alive and well in this season. The scene has drastically changed when the very skilled football manager Philippe Clement was appointed.

A disclaimer before we continue: we are not claiming that the treble is now on. We are not speculating about winning the Europa League or making big statements based on emotional panic.

We are stating that all bets caused by Beale have been void and nullified in the presence of a legitimate football manager who may actually know exactly what he is doing.Philippe Clement is on a slippery slope and needs astute signings

The Mick wasn’t a dicky bird; he simply had no idea. He bought players who didn’t even match his own foolish, naive, wide-eyed aspirations, making it up as he went along.

It’s true that Philippe Clement is a seasoned manager who understands how to lead players to success. He has the ability to enter their minds.

And even though we didn’t win the league that season, that doesn’t give us 56 this season any more than the great Walter’s return in 2007 brought us the title.

We’ll see what effect Clement has on these players in the run-up to next month’s League Cup, which is still very much in play.

The main point we’re trying to make, though, is how much deader this season would have been without The Mick. The season had passed. Completely. We were being pulled down by him.

However, now that he’s gone and a suitable management has taken over?

As our audience loves to say, “give him a chance ffs”; we are extremely thrilled about Clement and curious to see what he will deliver.

Furthermore, this season isn’t quite over yet.

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