Breaking: Ibrox bar plans for a Rangers hero were rejected because locals were concerned about “verbal abuse and deliberate property damage.”

Breaking: Ibrox bar plans for a Rangers hero were rejected because locals were concerned about “verbal abuse and deliberate property damage.”

Breaking: Ibrox bar plans for a Rangers hero were rejected because locals were concerned about “verbal abuse and deliberate property damage.”

Regarding his intentions to operate a bar a short distance from Ibrox,

former Rangers star Scott Arfield has been given the boot.

The 35-year-old Arfield intended to turn the old bookmakers into a bar and draw throngs of hungrily enthusiastic patrons.

He filed designs for the 150 Copland Road location last year,

but was informed that they did not comply with municipal regulations.

Issues with bin storage and the venue’s location in a residential area were also brought up.

In an effort to reopen the pub, he submitted updated plans last month,

but incensed neighbors objected and voiced worries about what happened to supporters during game days.

The most recent bid has now been rejected by Glasgow City Council,

which has decided it cannot proceed because of potential effects on locals.

Sharon Benzie, a local, had before criticized the relocation.

She stated: “The pub will be located close to the Rangers Football Stadium,

which can accommodate over 50,000 spectators and hosts events under license.

” This is a sizable crowd for a stadium in a residential area,

where alcohol usage already leads to a great deal of disturbance and antisocial behavior.

Breaking: Ibrox bar plans for a Rangers hero were rejected because locals were concerned about "verbal abuse and deliberate property damage."
Breaking: Ibrox bar plans for a Rangers hero were rejected because locals were concerned about “verbal abuse and deliberate property damage.”

“My neighbors and I frequently deal with antisocial behavior on matchdays,

which includes supporters who drink and urinate in public, which can lead to verbal abuse and intentional damage to our property. Directly across the street from the planned bar is another licensed establishment called the Louden Tavern,

where patrons sing and enjoy loud music.

“The addition of another licensed premises will present a real risk to increased crime and anti-social behaviour,

particularly during matchdays, putting on additional pressure on an already stretched police presence.”

A local woman had already sent a second objection to the council bosses.

Plans that were presented on the football player’s behalf stated:

“The application site is immediately next to a public house.

The planned public house would not cause the Economic Development Area to have an excessive number of public houses.

“Public houses have been rapidly declining, despite being an acknowledged element of our country’s social fabric.

The demands of the community will be served by this plan,

and it should be highlighted that there are numerous instances of public houses beneath tenements all around the city.”

Glasgow City Council stated:

“The proposal was not considered to be in accordance with the development plan and there were no material considerations

which outweighed the proposal’s variance with the development plan.”

After leaving Glasgow last year, Arfield is currently a player for Charlotte FC, a US team based in North Carolina.

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