Breaking:EX- Ibrox Player Suggests Points Deduction for Celtic

Breaking:EX- Ibrox Player Suggests Points Deduction for Celtic

Breaking:EX- Ibrox Player Suggests Points Deduction for Celtic

It’s important to address the inaccuracies and provide clarification in the Daily Record article that featured Graham Dorrans’ comments regarding the Green Brigade and Celtic.

The former Rangers player suggests that Celtic might lose points as a result of the Green Brigade’s actions,

but it appears that Dorrans misunderstands the regulations that govern Scottish football.

According to Dorrans, “I think that generally speaking, any club that feels that a portion of its supporters are not abiding by the rules and standards will take appropriate measures if there is evidence to support that belief.

“I don’t know if that results in a point deduction from the SFA, but this has gone on for far too long,

so I think we need to get together and put an end to it.”

Breaking:EX- Ibrox Player Suggests Points Deduction for Celtic
Breaking:EX- Ibrox Player Suggests Points Deduction for Celtic

First of all, it’s critical to understand that the Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) and the Scottish Football Association (SFA) have different responsibilities.

The SPFL is in charge of running the competitions, notably the Scottish Premiership, while the SFA handles more general administration and disciplinary issues.

Andy Walker, a pundit and former Celtics player, made the observation that the SPFL, not the SFA, would be in charge of any prospective league-related action, such as point deduction.

If there existed such a mechanism, we would have seen it used in previous incidents involving other teams,

such the time a bottle struck a Celtic physiotherapist at the same ground or a pitch invader harassed Scott Brown at Ibrox.

Despite their seriousness, these occurrences did not cost the participating clubs any points.

It’s also critical to take Dorrans‘ remarks in perspective.

Given that he was a player for the Rangers in the past, Celtic fans may perceive his viewpoint as slanted.

It’s possible that this bias affected how he perceived or understood the regulations.

Although it’s normal for former athletes to have loyalties, it’s important that the Daily Record and other media

sources present fair and factual information, particularly when discussing divisive topics.

Dorrans’ remarks seem more aimed at igniting controversy than offering incisive analysis,

as they have no basis in the real rules governing Scottish football. It is disheartening.

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