BREAKING NEWS: Point Deduction Update; Rangers mum on sad outcome; club anticipates conceding something worse.

BREAKING NEWS: Point Deduction Update; Rangers mum on sad outcome; club anticipates conceding something worse.
BREAKING NEWS: Point Deduction Update; Rangers mum on sad outcome; club anticipates conceding something worse.

BREAKING NEWS: Point Deduction Update; Rangers mum on sad outcome; club anticipates conceding something worse.

BREAKING NEWS: Point Deduction Update; Rangers mum on sad outcome; club

anticipates conceding something worse.

Tam McManus has suggested that Rangers deduct points for inappropriate shouting

after the “sickening” incident that occurred during Sunday’s (10 March) match

against Hibernian.

On Wednesday, March 13, the pundit posted on the Daily Record website, describing

the unprintable chanting from Gers fans towards Hibs forward Martin Boyle during

the encounter at Easter Road as “terrible” and “sickening.”

A point deduction for Rangers is being considered.

When speaking about the possible penalties that teams would face for the actions of

their supporters, McManus said that deducting points was “the way forward,” but he

also acknowledged that this kind of action would cause “mayhem.”


BREAKING NEWS: Point Deduction Update; Rangers mum on sad outcome; club anticipates conceding something worse.
BREAKING NEWS: Point Deduction Update; Rangers mum on sad outcome; club anticipates conceding something worse.

McManus continued, “Hibs’ statement acknowledges the problem in their own


It’s high time more clubs followed suit. It seems like Sunday was the last straw.

The vile chants directed at Martin Boyle by Rangers supporters are not appropriate

for this publication to publish. Sickening.

“Don’t think this is just directed at the Rangers. Every team has this issue.

It’s everywhere. Hibs have had enough and don’t want to subject their players or fans

to this hassle once more.

They want fans to feel at ease when they attend games. Will cutting back on

allocations change anything?

Does it matter if there are 1,500 or 3,500 spectators? The main issue is that the

chants are still there.

“The chanting is not appropriate, especially from the Old Firm, but how can you stop

it? Must we establish fining clubs? That won’t have much of an effect on the elite

teams unless there are significant fines assessed.

“Or should we go all out and begin deducting points from teams? Imagine the outcry,

but maybe this is the way to go.

The government will be in charge of enforcing it. It would be disorganized.

The fundamental reality is that people have a responsibility to recognize when they

are out of order because this is a societal issue.

After the Rangers incident, obscene chants have no place in sport.

It is undoubtedly a problem that affects Scottish football, and given how long it has

persisted, it won’t be simple for the authorities to resolve.

In Scotland, there is now a controversy around flares and a lot of attention is focused

on the actions of fans.

But some of the chanting that can be heard is abhorrent and has no business being in

a sporting venue.

Even when they stem from more serious issues, some things don’t need to be voiced

and football shouldn’t be played on the sidelines.

It is extremely doubtful that points deductions will be implemented because it would

be unfair to the teams or the average fan, but it is not an issue that will be forgotten

anytime soon.

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