Royals and Chiefs pump another Huge millions of  Dollars into their campaign for stadiums sales tax

Royals and Chiefs pump another Huge millions of  Dollars into their campaign for stadiums sales tax
Royals and Chiefs pump another Huge millions of  Dollars into their campaign for stadiums sales tax

Royals and Chiefs pump another Huge millions of  Dollars into their campaign for stadiums sales tax

Royals and Chiefs pump another $1 million into their campaign for stadiums sales tax.

According to recently filed campaign finance reports, the Chiefs and Royals have

each contributed an additional $500,000 to their campaign committees in support of

the stadium sales tax ballot initiative that will be presented to voters in the April 2


This raises the teams’ total donation to the Committee to Keep the Chiefs and Royals

in Jackson County to $2 million.

The only expense disclosed thus far was for a $79,200 “media buy” that was made

the day before the Super Bowl.

The deadline for campaign committees to submit reports to the Missouri Ethnic

Commission outlining their whole expenditure and contribution history is March 25.


Royals and Chiefs pump another Huge millions of  Dollars into their campaign for stadiums sales tax
Royals and Chiefs pump another Huge millions of  Dollars into their campaign for stadiums sales tax

That is the date that voters will get their first look at the finances of the Committee

Against New Royals Stadium Taxes, which was formed in opposition of Question 1 on

the ballot for Jackson County residents.

That committee was formed after the previous filing deadline that included the

team’s first expenditure.

The question posed to voters is whether they favor keeping the 3/8th-cent sales tax

that was imposed in 2006 to finance the teams’ operations, repairs, and upkeep of

Kauffman and Arrowhead stadiums, which they lease from Jackson County, or

repealing it altogether.

The ballot question establishes a new 3/8th-cent tax that will be in effect for 40 years

in place of the current tax, which is scheduled to expire in 2031.

The dollars raised would help pay for part of the construction costs of an estimated

$2 billion Royals ballpark and surrounding district in the East Crossroads area next

to downtown Kansas City, a large portion of the $800 million renovation project that

the Chiefs have in mind for Arrowhead, as well as that continuing subsidy for

operations, repairs and maintenance.

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