The midfield “diamond” urged not to sign with Rangers this summer.

The midfield “diamond” urged not to sign with Rangers this summer.

The midfield “diamond” urged not to sign with Rangers this summer.

Rangers should take advantage of this chance to sign Lennon Miller, a fantastic young player for Motherwell. Callum McGregor was tricked by the Scottish Premiership player during Sunday’s game against Celtic.

Former Scotland international Charlie Mulgrew doesn’t doubt the 17-year-old’s ability to prosper at Rangers. Or Celtic, who were the defender’s former employers.

On Sunday, Brendan Rodgers had the opportunity to see Lennon Miller’s skills up close.

Midfield 'diamond' urged not to sign for Rangers this summer as he's not  ready

The midfield “diamond” urged not to sign with Rangers this summer.

A bit of balletic, almost Zidane-esque genius that Miller somewhat sheepishly refers to as a “little bit of trickery.”

Lennon Miller should be traded to the Rangers or Celtics.

Mulgrew says Sky Sports, “You see the effect he had on the game,” as his former team recovers with a pair of late goals after Miller’s magnificent assist. “The way he plays, he plays like a man. He is really intelligent.

“He is requesting that the goalie take the kickoff and flick it on, just like his father, former Aberdeen, Kilmarnock, and Dundee United star Lee Miller, used to do.”

What a teammate. He hails from a nice home and is a sensible boy. He is someone I would sign right away and add to the roster if I were the Rangers or Celtics.
“A diamond”

Lennon maintains that Miller, who is still relatively fresh to the senior game, would gain more from a career path along the lines of Lewis Ferguson, who left Aberdeen after several years in the first team picture and went on to become one of Serie A’s best midfield players.

“I believe that development there (at Motherwell) will be beneficial for him,” Lennon contends. “He’s in a nice setting and place.

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