When ‘clutching at straws’ is alleged, Kris Boyd and Chris Sutton argue about a double Rangers penalty shout on Goldson.

When 'clutching at straws' is alleged, Kris Boyd and Chris Sutton argue about a double Rangers penalty shout on Goldson.
When ‘clutching at straws’ is alleged, Kris Boyd and Chris Sutton argue about a double Rangers penalty shout on Goldson.

When ‘clutching at straws’ is alleged, Kris Boyd and Chris Sutton argue about a double Rangers penalty shout on Goldson.

Dujon Sterling shouldn’t have been sent red for the Rangers, according

to Chris Sutton and Kris Boyd, but there was some disagreement on possible handballs against Connor Goldson.

Don Robertson ordered the Light Blues star packing, and following a VAR check

, the whistler was sent to the monitor to examine his judgment. But he chose

to stick with his initial choice after seeing the situation again on film.

This is an uncommon result in Scottish football since the advent of technology,

and although Sutton disagreed with the decision, he commended the man in the

middle for his unwavering resolve.

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He clarified, saying on Sky Sports, “I didn’t think it was a red card. However,

you know what? Well done, Don. He went to check the monitor after seeing

that it was red, and despite all the pressure at Ibrox, he stuck to his choice.

He stumbles after, and it’s a yellow card offense, in my opinion.

Boyd went on, “I concur with Chris. Is that place moving quickly? Yes. Perhaps.

But it only checks that one box. Putting a rival in danger? No.

Possibility of kicking the ball? Indeed. With intent? No. It’s the bottom of the foot,

not very high. not at the ankle. He remains on the ground. I believe that was a poor choice.”

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