Aikman reveals: Cowboys’ Jerry ‘Distractions’ reason for Super Bowl drought?
We first came up with the term “53 Brands” a few years ago. Our goal was to investigate the root of the ultimate issue
surrounding the Dallas Cowboys.

What is it, if not skill, mentoring, or ownership support? Our theory: We also came up with the expression, “Sometimes the
Cowboys seem like a marketing firm that plays football on the side!” because of the fact that “America’s Team,
” from ownership on down, is hyper-focused on marketing and promotion.
The players are engrossed in it. Promotion and marketing are everywhere. And why shouldn’t I, the athlete, be equally
passionate about that if the owner is?
Enter Cowboys icon and broadcaster Troy Aikman, who identifies the conundrum from a first-hand perspective.
According to Aikman, “it’s easy to get caught up in it because there are so many other things going on within the organisation.”
“A head coach, staff and players have to try to compartmentalise so that they can go and be the best football players they can
be because there are tours happening around the building (here inside The Star) and there’s a lot of distractions, if you will.
It’s important to talk about the “tours” issue; the Cowboys have made the playoffs the last three seasons despite going 12-5 overall.
Are the tours a problem during the 12 winning weeks, but just serve as a distraction for the players during the five lost ones?
Of course, what we’re discussing here is a more cumulative effect: Social networking, podcasts, nightclub gigs, and, of course,
the exaltation of everything cowboy.
“Entitlement” was used in the question that was asked of Aikman. He didn’t agree with that description, but…
He remarked, “I don’t know about a’sense of entitlement.” However, every national programme starts with the Cowboys if you play for them.
And being a member of the Dallas Cowboys has many benefits. There are numerous advantages to being a Dallas Cowboys player.
There are other obstacles involved, mostly due to Jerry’s insistence on keeping Cowboys news “above the fold.”
It has been incorrectly implied that Aikman is Jones’ “enemy.” That is incorrect.
He has frequently told us how much he “loves” Jerry Jones and the Cowboys.
He doesn’t hesitate to consider the theories, though, either. He’s the boss, after all, Aikman remarked.
Therefore, whatever is done is done because he approves of it. That is the way things are. It has been that way, after all.
That has always been the case. I’m not sure if that eventually prevents this team from accomplishing their goals.
Is it only the “distraction issue” that comes up in January? Why, after all, didn’t it pose an issue throughout the regular season?
Thus, it’s challenging to sort of (wrap) your head around …”
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